Bright Orionid fireball captured through the fog - October 20, 2018
Orionid fireball was captured when the sky was covered with fog. Alpha and beta Gemini Castor and Pollux were in sight.
However, they are not visible due to dense fog. The flash brightness of the fireball is estimated at about -10m.
October 20, 2018. 00h 15m 28s UT. ZWO ASI 174MM, Tamron 23FM08-L 2/3-inch High Resolution Mono-Focal Lens, 8mm F/1.4 with Lock
Another Orionid, captured 8 minutes earlier, when the fog was not so dense. Castor and Pollux are visible above the meteor track.
October 20, 2018. 00h 07m 36s UT. ZWO ASI 174MM, Tamron 23FM08-L 2/3-inch High Resolution Mono-Focal Lens, 8mm F/1.4 with Lock